Simba Team Ziwani Update: 01 November 2005
Alex Macharia – Ag team leader Henry Lekochere John Mungai Julius Mutamu Gerald Maghanga 4 KWS rangers
Area Covered
The month’s operations were carried out at the Maktau, Murka and Kishushe areas, as well as at the Lumo Community Sactuary and at Saltlick.
The field operations stared on a high note on the 7th of November. Lumo and Maktau were the fist places that we visited due to the fact that we had been given information that bush meat was being traded at the market place. For a period of two weeks we laid early morning ambushes along know poacher tracks in the Lumo community wildlife sanctuary. Our ambushes were successful and we were able to arrest two poachers

The following week the team moved the de-snaring operations to the cut line at the mining post. We found three guys mining illegally and were able to arrest one who was booked at the Taveta police station.

The levels of snaring seem to be very low this month, which was expected, due to it being the rainy season. This however does not mean that snaring is not taking place. Due to the heavy rains operations were difficult especially in the Kishushe areas where vegetation is very thick.
Report by Alex Macharia