Simba Team Ziwani Update: 01 November 2004
De-snaring report for November 2004
Patrick Mutuku – Team Leader Josphat Ajot Henry Lekochere Julius Mtamu Justin Kimanzi 2 KWS rangers
Area Covered
The areas patrolled included Ziwani, Maktau, Lumo and Kishushu sanctuary, Jipe, Mzima springs, the pipeline and the general areas around Tsavo River
Unlike the other de-snaring teams, we found a dramatic decrease in snaring levels this month. The team collected a total of 226 snares and found little in the way of human activities both inside and around the parks. It seems that the communities surrounding these areas have been busy working on their shambas in the anticipation of rain. There are however certain areas which have remained as poacher hotspots – mainly Maktau, Kishushe and Lumo. We did several early morning ambushes in these areas and managed to capture 2 out of a group of seven poachers. At the moment with the onset of the rains the animals are scattered over a wide area because there is plenty of water and food to eat and is therefore another reason why poaching activities have decreased. Poaching in Jipe and Ziwani has decreased in the last few months. We did however accompany the vet who was called out for the treatment of an elephant that had been speared by irate community members for raiding their crops. The elephant was treated and joined the herd but to date we have not seen any sign of him again.

Report by Patrick Mutuku