Simba Team Ziwani Update: 01 May 2008
Henry Lekochere –team leader John Mungai Abdi Adan Boru Okicha Gerald Maghanga Sylvester Matheka 2 KWS rangers
Area Covered
During the month of May we carried out patrols at Ziwani, Salaita, Mbuyuni and Maktau.
Findings During the course of the month the team lifted 42 snares of which 30 targeted medium game, and 12 targeted large game.

OBSERVABLE EVIDENCE Most of the areas patrolled by the team during the operations recorded a drop in the number of snares lifted. This is basically due to the fact that the poachers have changed their operational methods, opting to operate at night using the lamping method.
ZIWANI The Ziwani area was patrolled at the beginning of the month’s operations for the duration of a week. The area yielded many snares and a snared animal was also found.

SALAITA During our patrols in this area we noticed that the incursion of cattle into the park for grazing is still rampant and a major problem.

MBUYUNI The Mbuyuni area was patrolled for a period of two days with 2 old large snares being lifted.

MAKTAU The team visited some previous snaring hotspots along the park boundary and lifted 4 snares that targeted medium sized game.

COMMUNITY WORK The team organized two ecological trips to Tsavo West National Park.

Report by Henry Lekochere