Simba Team Ziwani Update: 01 May 2007
Henry Lekochere – team leader Boru Okicha John Mungai Adan Abdi Gerald Maghanga 2 KWS Rangers
Area Covered
During the course of the month we carried out patrols at: The Lumo Wildlife Sanctuary, Kishushe, Jipe and Maktau.

Findings The month began on a sad note for the Ziwani team who came across a five year old injured elephant calf at the Lumo Wildlife Sanctuary. The calf had a wounded foreleg. Upon examination by the vet it was found that the leg had a fracture, caused by a bullet wound.

At the Kishushe park boundary we came across poachers footprints which even though we followed did not yield any arrests. We were however able to collect 14 snares that targeted medium sized game.

During our patrols in the Jipe area we found that three is a lot of illegal grazing, logging and charcoal burning taking place.

It appears that there has been a decline in the level of poaching at Maktau which could be due to the frequent arrest of poachers in this area in the last few months. During our patrols at Maktau we were able to rescue a five month old lion cub that had fallen down a Kenya Railways underground water tank.

Report by Henry Lekochere