Simba Team Ziwani Update: 01 July 2008
Henry Lekochere – team leader John Mungai Abdi Adan Boru Okicha Gerald Maghanga Sylvester Matheka 2 KWS Rangers
Area of operation:
During the month of July, the Ziwani team covered the following areas: Ziwani, Maktau, Murka, Tsavo River and Kishushe ranch
FINDINGS During the months operations the team lifted a total of 144 snares. Ninety six of the snares targeted large game, with 48 snares targeting small game.

Observable evidence: This month recorded an increase in the number of snares lifted. This can be due to the fact that the poachers were able to set their snares during the month of June when the Ziwani desnaring team was on their one month annual leave. Prolonged drought and little or no rainfall in the areas around the park has also contributed to the increase in poaching in the area.
Ziwani At the beginning of the month, on the 5th of June, for the period of a day, the team was joined by three representatives from WSPA, who fund the Ziwani desnaring team.

Maktau During our patrols in this area the team lifted 113 snares, 87 of which targeted large game and 26 targeted small game. The team also arrested a poacher who was in the process of setting several of his snares in the area.

Murka Cattle incursion into the park is a big problem in the area with herds of cattle being driven out of the park.

Tsavo River For a period of four days, the team thoroughly patrolled all the dry river beds in the area as well as along the Tsavo River. Footprints from two poachers were seen and followed. We lost the footprints once the poachers crossed over to the other side of the river.
Kishushe A total of 26 snares were lifted all of which targeted small game. Most of the snares recovered were found near the mining site.

Community work The team organized two ecological trips to Tsavo West National Park. The schools that benefited from the field trips were Jipe primary school and Kishushe primary school, which had benefited from another trip in February.

In addition to the field trips the team also donated a variety of sports equipment to Kishushe primary school and Ziwani primary school.

Report by Henry Lekochere