Simba Team Ziwani Update: 01 August 2005
Wambua Kikwatha – team leader Henry Lekochere John Mungai Julius Mtamu Gerald Maghanga 2 KWS rangers
Area Covered
The areas patrolled this month were the general Ziwani area, the railway line from Maktau towards Salaita, the Maktau area, salt lick, the Lumo ranch, Silanga, Murka and the Mukuru River.
This month was a transition period for the de-snaring team leaders. The team leaders from the Ithumba and Ziwani teams were switched each taking over the others team. For this reason the operations of the teams in both areas were disrupted slightly while the handover exercise was taking place. However we were quickly able to settle in and undertook some operations. This being the team leaders, Wambua Kikwatha, first time in the area he relied upon the tracker, who is conversant with the area, to help him decide what areas were in the most need of being patrolled.

At Ziwani, it was found that the amount of snaring has decreased. When looking at the past reports it was noted that most of the snaring activities in the area were carried out by the Ziwani farm residents where thankfully not a single snare was found this month. We did however find livestock in the park that was from the Salaita area. The team had to suspend our de-snaring operations in order to drive the animals away.

Most of the snares that we lifted were found in the Lumo wildlife sanctuary and in slat lick. The snares that were lifted in these areas were large in size, with 29 being lifted from salt lick.

The communal land located outside the parks boundaries had the highest number of snares,

Report by Wambua Kikwatha