Simba Team Ziwani Update: 01 April 2008
Henry Lekochere –team leader John Mungai Abdi Adan Boru Okicha Gerald Maghanga Sylvester Matheka 2 KWS rangers
Area Covered
During the month of April we carried out patrols at The Taita Hills Wildlife Sanctuary, Mzima water pipeline, Mbulia ranch, Maktau and Kishushe.

Findings During the course of the month a total of 58 snares were lifted, 10 of which were large snares, 5 were medium snares and 43 were small snares.

Taita Hills Wildlife Sanctuary This area was patrolled at the beginning of month. In the past the Sanctuary was a poaching hotspot, however this month the team lifted only 3 snares.

Mzima water pipeline Our patrols at the Mzima water pipeline were difficult this month due to the heavy downpours which prevented us from carrying out patrols. The heavy rains made it difficult to find any tracks or cut lines. Searching for poacher’s hideouts and footprints proved futile as visibility in the area is very poor even at a distance of 50 meters.
Mbulia ranch It was the first time that we visited this area. We began our patrols at the Mbulia park boundary moving towards Kishushe. However the road had been washed away by the heavy rains preventing us from using our vehicle to patrol deeper into the park. For this reason we carried out patrols on foot for a period of 2 consecutive days over a distance of more than 20 kilometers. The team successfully lifted 27 snares all of which targeted small game.

Maktau 7 large snares targeting large game were lifted during our patrols at Maktau.

Kishushe ranch We patrolled the mining site found in this area towards the end of the months desnaring operations. We lifted 27 snares in this area which means that some of the Mining staff are setting snares.

Report by Henry Lekochere