Nyati Team Tiva Update: 01 July 2005
David Njoroge – team leader Wambua Kikwatha – team leader Abdi Adan Samuel Lolchulaki Julius Mumo Philip Kipkoril Patrick Ekai James Lodungokiyok KWS rangers
During the course of this month the Ithumba team patrolled the following areas: The general area in and around Tharkana, the Tsavo safari camp areas, Along the athi river from corner ya nyati, and the Gazi and Mukuanima areas.
Due to the shortage of rangers this months operations were carried out together with the Ithumba team, with our efforts being concentrated in the Gazi area. It was noted that due to the drastic drop in the water level of the Athi river poaching in that area was rampant and on the increase which was proved by the number of spoors that the team was able to find considering that the poachers are constantly changing their poaching style. It has been observed that due to the low concentration of animals by the river the poachers have stopped poaching by the banks of the river choosing instead to walk miles into the park up to and beyond the Yatta to carry out their poaching activities. As we now carry out frequent patrols in this area the poachers that can not walk far choose to combine their poaching activities with fishing so that they can keep a close eye on the snares that they have set. Furthermore they are also act as informers alerting the other poachers to our presence. While patrolling in and around the Mwakila area we were able to arrest 3 poachers, on 3 different days in 3 different areas. The poachers called Nzonga Munyoki, Mutua Mutiso and Kivuva Musingila were booked and are awaiting prosection for their poaching activities.

Report by Wambua Kikwatha