Ndovu Team Ithumba Update: 01 October 2009
Patrick Mutuku Musau Kitulya Labarakwe Lemanten James Lodungokiyok Noah Lesimrindana
During the month of October the Ithumba team together with the KWS Rangers was able to recover 4 pieces of ivory from deep inside the park. This was after they were spotted by the KWS pilot during his air patrols.
During the month of October we carried out 4 school trips instead of the usual 2 trips. The reason for this is that the short rains were due at any time which renders the roads in the Northern area of Tsavo impassable. Where therefore carried out the trips at an earlier date in order to avoid disappointment.
Kakindu primary school This school is situated near Kimathenya hill along the park boundary. The pupils have never had a chance of touring the park despite being only a few kilometers from the school. The pupils are normally picked at exactly 6.am for so that they can get as much out of the experience as possible. The trip starts by climbing Ithumba hill at the park headquarters before proceeding towards the southern part of the park. Due to the dense and thick bushes the only places they are able to see wildlife is near the water points. The pupils were able to see buffaloes, elephants, waterbucks, lesser-kudu, giraffes, Oryx, gerenuk and zebras.
KALULUINI, KIVUTI AND NGWATE PRIMARY SCHOOLS. These schools were taking part in their second trip to the park, but with a different group of pupils. Each school has around 400 pupils and the capacity of the bus is only 30 persons so it less than 1/3 of the school population that gets to visit the park per trip. The criteria for selecting the first group of pupils to visit the park is based on the best performers in class work, which makes the other pupils improve their academics to secure their chance of being chosen for a field trip.
LAUNCHING OF KASAALA PROJECT BY IFAW AND KWS During the last week of the month there was the launching of a project sponsored by IFAW and supervised by KWS, whose aim was to improve Kasaala School. This project has given the school a new face with the renovation of old classrooms, building 3 new classrooms, a new administration block, a kitchen, and a modern library. The launching of the project was attended by the Mutomo district commissioner, the District education officer, the area member of parliament, the area councilor, the Assistant Director Tsavo region, the senior warden, and the Warden Northern area among others.
Report by Patrick Mutuku