Ndovu Team Ithumba Update: 01 November 2004
Gazi and Ithumba Team
De-snaring report November 2004
Paul Kasao Samuel Lolchuraki Julius Mumo Abdi Adan Kisangi Mwonyuki Mwuuoni Ikuthu Feisal Muteti 2 KWS rangers
Area of operation
Umauma, Power line, Mathae, Kalavoto, Yundani, Kyamanyenze, Kimweli and general area along the park boundary.
During this month, a joint operation was launched on various areas. Umauma and the power line yielded the highest number of snares with a total of 489 altogether, all of which were targeting smaller mammals. We also discovered and destroyed two slaughtering dens and two hideouts. We laid an ambush on one of the hideouts and arrested a poacher with 6 Dikdiks and 92 snares. He also had in his possession a gin trap (a chain that is designed to catch larger animals such as lions and leopards.) Mathae and Kalovoto were characterised by fresh human foot prints going in and out of the park and we collected 256 snares, it is obvious that poachers are now visiting their snares on a daily basis. Another well known poacher was arrested with two DikDiks and 65 snares in his possession all for smaller animals. The two arrested poachers turned out to be brothers and have been known to poach in the park for many years.

Report by Kasau Lerat.