Anti-Poaching Report: January 2025

Published on the 26th of February, 2025

The new year began on a very busy note for the SWT/KWS Anti-Poaching Teams. Over the course of the January, teams collected 1,378 snares, made 47 arrests, and confiscated 69 kg of elephant ivory.

During January, the KWS/SWT Anti-Poaching Teams lifted 1,378 snares and made 47 arrests. These arrests included one for poaching activities and eight arrests for possession of bushmeat. Other arrests made during the month included 23 livestock herders, three loggers, three miraa harvesters, one firewood collector, and two arrests made for illegal entry into the parks. Bushmeat confiscated from poachers and camps totalled 10 kilograms, including meat from buffalo, dik-dik, eland, and impala.

During the month, the teams destroyed 25 charcoal kilns and six charcoal camps, including many charcoal sacks. They also confiscated 26 harbors/hides/camps used by offenders in the parks and 13 livestock bomas.

In January, the teams also helped the SWT/KWS Mobile Vet Units in several veterinary treatments, including two injured elephants, one buffalo, and one zebra. They also discovered two elephant carcasses and handed over 69 kilograms of ivory to the KWS for safekeeping.

SWT/KWS Anti-Poaching Teams

For a quarter of a century, SWT rangers have been frontline defenders of Kenya’s ecosystems. Working in partnership with the Kenya Wildlife Service, they face the most pressing threats to conservation. In addition, they serve as a vital link in our wider field work, supporting not only anti-poaching operations, but also veterinary treatments, orphan rescues, human-wildlife conflict mitigation, and all manner of field emergencies.
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