Faru Team Burra Update: 01 September 2007
De – Snaring Report for September 2007
Mathew Kiura – team leader Samuel Odero Peter Wambua John Malonza Peter Ndungu Samuel Masaku 2 KWS Rangers
Area of operation:
During the month of September, the Burra team covered the following areas: Dokota area, Sagala ranch, Lualeyni ranch, and Voi area.
During the month of September the team lifted a total of 206 snares, out if which 169 targeted small game and 37 targeted big game. Three men were arrested for poaching activities, all in possession of bush meat at Sagala and Lualeyni ranches. They were booked at Voi police station. There was some illegal cattle grazing and charcoal burning activities in several areas.

Observable evidence:
With persisting dry conditions, the number of snares lifted is rising. The most heavily poached areas are the group ranches where movement of poachers and their activities is less restricted. The team concentrated its operation on these group ranches, mainly Lualeyni and Sagala. The team didn’t come across a lot of signs of poaching within the park, but plenty of cattle grazing and logging activities are taking place in the park particularly near Voi River at the eastern boundary of the park.
Dokota area
The team found signs of illegal cattle grazing & destruction of vegetation activities in this area. No poaching activities found.

Sagala Ranch
The team arrested 2 poachers in this area who were in possession of one impala and one Dikdik.

Lualeyni Ranch
One man was arrested for having killed 7 Dikdik’s and he was booked at Voi police station.

Community work
The team donated sports equipment to 4 different primary schools, namely Gimba, Sowa, Gideon Mosi, and Kalambe. With the assistance of the KWS the team was able to conduct school trips to the park and there is another school trip scheduled for October.

Report by Mathew Kiura