Faru Team Burra Update: 01 November 2009
Henry Lekochere-team leader Kennedy Mungai John Malonza Rajab Fundi Samuel Masaku
Areas Patrolled
During the month of November the Burra team patrolled the following area: Mwatate Sisal Estate, Mwananchi Ranch, Taita-hills wildlife sanctuary and Choke Ranch.
Total snares collected-107
During November patrols 107 snares were lifted. Most of the snares lifted targeted either small or big game. The Team found a buffalo carcass at Taita-hills Wildlife Sanctuary which had died under natural circumstances.
One eland and two domestic cow carcasses were found snared at Mwatate Sisal Estate and Mwananchi Ranch respectively.Observable evidence
Poaching activity has only seen a subtle reduction due to the arrival of the rains. Most poachers have resumed working on their land to grow food, hence temporarily slowing poaching activities.
Mwatate Sisal Estate
The Team began its patrols for November in the Mwatate Sisal Estate. This estate is used for sisal cultivation as well livestock rearing. The land covers a vast area and is home to hundreds of employees who work and live there. The Estate neighbours Community land on both sides. The wild animals residing in this region are very vulnerable to snaring due to high numbers of people living in the area. The team managed to lift 84 snares and also found an elands remains which had been slaughtered recently.
Mwananchi ranch
Many of those who make a living off rearing livestock have experienced the detrimental affects of snaring as it is not only wildlife that fall victims to snares. There are many instances of cattle getting killed by snares on Ranches. In response the herdsmen report poachers to the Team and even remove snares when they get the chance. The Team lifted 19 big snares and also found two cow carcasses, both victims of snares.
Taita-hills wildlife sanctuary
This area has experienced a decrease in poaching activity. This is largely due to the arrival of the rains which leads to most people working their farms to grow maize and other crops. The Team only lifted one old snare and found a buffalo carcass which has died of natural circumstances.
Choke ranch
Towards the end of month the Team visited the Choke Ranch which is located on the eastern side of Tsavo West National Park. The Ranch is part of an important migratory corridor for Wildlife. It is inhabited by Somali herdsmen whose livestock have fallen victims to snaring several times. The herdsmen were very cooperative in offering assistance and manpower to curb the poaching problem. The Team recovered three old snares and saw six poachers armed with bows and arrows all of whom unfortunately got away. The poachers were said to come from a nearby Kamtonga Village.