Faru Team Burra Update: 01 May 2008
Nicodemus Kivindyo – team leader Samuel Odero Peter Wambua John Malonza Rajab Fundi Samuel Masaku 2 KWS Rangers
Area of operation:
During the month of May, the Burra team covered the following areas: Sagala ranch, Ngutuni, the Lion hill area, Ndii, Irima and Salt lick ranch

FINDINGS. During the months operations the team lifted a total of 139 snares.

Observable evidence: This month recorded an increase in the number of snares lifted in all the areas patrolled. This is due to the fact that most of the vegetation in the ranches and the park has dried up which means that the animals have adopted an attitude of selective feeding. The poachers are taking advantage of this by setting snares around dried up waterholes that still have some green vegetation.

Sagala Ranch The team lifted a total of 58 snares in this area 20 of which targeted large game with 38 targeting small game.

Ngutuni ranch and Lion hill area A total of 42 snares were lifted all of which targeted small game which move from back and from the park into both of these areas.

Ndii/Irima areas Thirty eight snares were lifted in these areas two of which targeted large game, with the majority, 36, targeting small game. The team also found a snared lion cub in the Ndii area.

Lualenyi ranch This ranch has been a hotspot in terms of poaching. However, due to our frequent foot patrols, the level of poaching has been drastically reduced. This can be attested to by the fact that only one snare was retrieved during our patrols in this area. Mining of certain minerals has also started to take place this month in Lualenyi ranch. Community work The team organized one environmental education program which was conducted by the presentation of a film show to Alan Mjomba Secondary School.

Report by Nicodemus Kivindyo