Faru Team Burra Update: 01 May 2007
Mathew Kiura – team leader Samuel Odero Peter Wambua John Malonza Peter Ndungu Samuel Masaku 2 KWS Rangers
Area of operation:
During the month of May, the Burra team covered the following areas: Ngutuni/Maungu, Ndara/Sagala Ranch, Mbulia ranch/Tsavo west, Ndii/Irima, and the Kajire area.
During the months operations the team lifted a total of 133 snares twenty two targeting big game and 111 targeting small game.

Observable evidence.
The Burra de-snaring team made a number of observations during its patrols and operations.

Ngutuni / Maungu This area recorded the highest number of big game and small game snares. The team came across a dead buffalo but were unable to establish the cause of death.

Ndii / Irima The main problems observed in this area were illegal logging and the snaring of both small and large game. The team lifted 20 snares targeting small game. Illegal logging was observed in Ndii where a number of Acacia spp had been cut down.

Ndara and Sagala ranches The snaring of small game along with the destruction of vegetation and charcoal burning continue to be a problem in these ranches.

Mbulia group ranch and parts of Tsavo West National Park Due to the teams continued de-snaring efforts in this area we have noticed a decline in the amount of snaring taking place with only 8 snares being lifted.

Kajire Snaring and the destruction of vegetation continue to be burning issues in this area. However there has been some improvement as there is a noticeable decrease in the amount of charcoal burning taking place and in the level of snaring.
Report by Mathew Kiura