Faru Team Burra Update: 01 July 2009
Participants Henry Lekochere-team leader Kennedy mungai Peter wambua John malonza Rajab fundi Samuel masaku
Areas covered were; Ngutuni ranch, Lion hill, Mbulia ranch and Mgeno ranch. Total snares collected-253
Findings During July patrol, 253 snares were collected in all the areas covered. 179 snares were targeting smaller game and 74 snares were designed to capture big game. Two elephants and one buffalo carcasses were found at Ngutuni ranch. Two dikdiks were rescued alive and also one found rotting in a snare at Mbulia ranch. Three poacher’s hideouts were found at Mbulia and Mgeno ranches respectively.
Observable evidence Many of the areas patrolled revealed new and fresh snaring activity. The month finding showed an increase number of snaring activity. The failure of the rain season and ASAL condition is unfavourable for farming and can be attributed as the cause of snaring menace.
Ngutuni ranch This area is situated between Tsavo East National Park and Mombasa Road and east of Voi Township. Wildlife from the park regularly cross this Ranch in order to get to water from the Mzima pipeline and hence poachers are targeting this area. During patrols in the area it was obvious this was a vulnerable area and a cause for concern. Two poached elephant carcasses were found as well as one buffalo.

Lion hill area Just outside the Tsavo east gate at Lion hill, 16 snares were recovered which were freshly laid. All of the snares recovered were medium sized. These snares were found in the area between the park access road and Voi River which is a regular spot for herds of impala and other game. On the other side of the road adjacent to the Lion hill, a foot path was found entering the park through the fence heading towards Voi safari lodge area.
Mbulia ranch Mbulia ranch which borders Tsavo west national park is a vital migratory corridor from Tsavo west National Park to Tsavo East National park yielded 185 snares recovered. The Team recued two dikdiks from snares that had been freshly laid.

Mgeno ranch Mgeno ranch yielded 12 big snares.

Report Henry Lekochere