Faru Team Burra Update: 01 December 2004
December De-snaring report 2004
Isaac Maina Mutua Koti Samuel Adero Phillip Kipkorir 2 KWS Rangers
Area Of operation
Lion hill, Ngutuni, Irima, Ndii and Kajire
The rain continued into the beginning of the month. The poaching incidences were found to be lower, a factor that can be contributed to the rainy season when many people are tendering their farms. However not everybody was keen on farming since a number of snares were freshly laid. Just outside the gate at lion hill, 46 snares were recovered which were freshly laid and an Impala with a snare was seen in the same area. All of the snares recovered were medium sized. These snares were found in the area between park access roads and the Voi River which is regularly visited by a large group of Impala. On the other side of the road adjacent to the hill a foot path was found entering the park through the fence heading toward Voi safari lodge area. We patrolled the area for several days trying to locate the destination of the path but with no success. However on our way to patrol, we sighted two people from our vehicle who ran away on seeing us and hid in the bush. We circled around to the outer side and laid an ambush from the foot path, one of the team leaders stood on a hill to keep watch and the rest of the team pursued the perpetrators from the inner side. After three hours wait and patrol we located them carrying a load of fire wood. We captured one while the other escaped. The caught poacher denied setting snares but admitted to collecting wood in the park for fire wood.

Compiled by Isaac Maina.