Faru Team Burra Update: 01 August 2006
Mathew Kiura – team leader Boro Gitau John Malonza Samuel Odero Samuel Msaku Peter Wambua 2 KWS Rangers
Area of operation:
During the month of August, the Burra team concentrated its de-snaring operations in the following areas:

A total of 310 snares were lifted during the course of the month, 33 of which targeted large game such a zebras and buffaloes,

Observable evidence.
Due to the dry conditions in the Tsavo ecosystem, we have noticed a major migration of animals that do not tolerate dry and hot weather conditions, to areas that are currently more abundant in water and forage. A lot of grazers were seen in the Ndii area as well as in Irima and Ngutuni. Together with the increase of wildlife in these areas there was also the increase in the number of poachers. The Burra de-snaring team therefore concentrated its de-snaring efforts in these areas with the goal of lifting snares, deterring poachers and arresting anyone involved in illegal activities.
Sala Hill and its environs: The poaching activities in this area were minimal.

Kulalu ranch: There were no poaching activities in this area. However we found that there was a lot of charcoal burning taking place which leads to the destruction of vegetation and in the long run to desertification.

Ndii area; The poaching activities reported in this area were mainly snaring and lamping. Several things caught our attention such as the carcass of a snared Dikdik,

Irima: The poaching activity noticed in Irima is mainly snaring. In this are we found a snared cheetah,

Mbulia ranch: At Mbulia ranch we found that there was a great deal of vegetation destruction, via charcoal burning, as well as snaring taking place.

Ngutuni: The main problem at Ngutuni was the snaring of small and large game as well as the snaring of birds. The team recovered a blood stained sack that is suspected to have been used by a poacher to ferry meat from the bush to the surrounding community areas.

Community: The month’s community activities took place at the beginning of the month. The Ziwani and Burra team worked together to train the Kasingau community Scouts about bushmeat operations. The training course took place over five days with two days dedicated to theory and 3 days in the field undertaking de-snaring activities.

Report by Mathew Kiura