Faru Team Burra Update: 01 August 2005
Isaac Maina David Njoroge Alex Macharia John Malonza Samuel Adero Peter Wambua Mwoni Ikuthu Rangers– Rashid, Steve, Kimshas, Maraba, Timulte, Okoth, Timothy
Area of operation:
The areas patrolled this month included Birikani, Lion Hill, Irima, Ndii, Kajire, as well as the Kulalu and Ngutuni Ranches.
A total of 183 snares were recovered this month; composing of 8 large snares, 63 medium sized snares, and 11 bird snares, the rest of the snares were small in size. In Ngutuni ranch we were able to lift 55 snares, 30 of which targeted Impala and 8 targeting Giraffes. An Impala which had been trapped in a snare, which had caught it around its girth, was rescued and set free.

The Birikani area yielded a further 23 snares all of which targeted Impalas. A snared Impala in its struggles to free itself managed to break the wire that held the snare and run off. The Impala was spotted by the de-snaring team and the snare was successfully removed by the mobile vet unit. The Kajire area yielded 24 snares 11 of which targeted guinea fowls with the remaining 13 targeting Dikdiks. During our patrols in the Ndii area we were able to lift 71 snares all but 4 of the snares targeted Dikdiks. We were able to arrest a poacher who was checking on his snares and was preparing to remove two dead Dikdiks which had been caught in them.

Six more snares were recovered in the area between Lion Hill and the Voi River. These snares targeted Impalas. Four small snares were lifted in the Ndara area. In the Sala area and along the Kulalu Ranch boundary a stretch of barrier line was demolished, which was unfortunately too long to enable us to demolish it all in one go. Thankfully none of the barrier line had any snares on it. However unfortunately we did find the carcasses of Impalas, Buffaloes, and Giraffes along the line.
On the 14th of August we went to Mwatate as we were informed that an elephant was stuck in the mud at Gulu Dam, which is a farming area.

On the 29th of August we were informed of yet another elephant calf that had become stuck in the mud, this time at the Rockland Mining Company which is located near Kasigau at Tsavo West.

A major football and volleyball tournament took place which we had organized in conjunction with the Voi youth forum.

Report by Isaac Maina and David Njoroge