Chui Team Mtito Update: 01 November 2008

Chui Team Mtito Update: 01 November 2008


Alex Macharia – team leader Francis Chege Semeli Lolchuraki Nterito Kapina James Nuymu Vincent Mutua 4 KWS rangers

Areas Covered

During the course of the month of November the following areas were patrolled by the Mtito de-snaring team: The Triangle, Mangerete, the area around the Chullu gate, Kilaguni and along the Mtito River.


Findings A total of 212 snares were lifted by the Mtito desnaring team during the course of the month. Of the snares lifted, 41 targeted large game and 171 targeted small game.

The Triangle and Mtito River: Over 100 snares were lifted during our patrols in the area most of which were collected after an ambush was laid to try and apprehend two poachers who had killed an antelope and six Dikdiks. We set up an ambush near the poacher’s hideout but were unfortunately seen by the poachers as they returned to their camp at about 9pm after checking on their snares.

In their efforts to evade arrest they left behind all their belongings. An umbrella, a Knife, pots and water cans were recovered together with game meat and 104 snares. Footprints were seen in the area, but it was difficult to follow them due to the heavy rains that had fallen this month which washed away the poacher’s tracks. Several dead snared Dikdiks were found during our patrols.

Mangerete: Logging and charcoal burning in this area continues to be a major challenge for the team.

Poaching is also taking place which is evidenced by the presence of small sized snares which target Dikdiks. A total of 34 snares were recovered, most of which were rusty, an indication that they had been set some time ago.
The carcass of a buffalo was seen during our patrols. Cattle grazing continues to be common in the area as most herders bring their livestock to the park boundary to graze, leaving them by themselves to return in the evening.

Chullu Gate and Kilaguni: During our patrols we did not see any evidence of poaching taking place in these areas which we attribute to the heavy presence of KWS rangers in the area. None the less we revisited all the areas that we had established as hideouts during the previous months. No signs of poachers were seen which means that they have either left the area or have established new poaching routes. However, the lack of poachers in the area could also be due to the fact that 10 rhinos were released into the area and the poachers are afraid succumbing to the same fate as two other poachers who were shot on sight at Ngulia in August this year.

Community Outreach: This month the team issued tree seedlings to various schools and community members as part of their community outreach initiatives. The schools that were given tree seedlings were Kamunyu primary, Ngiluni primary, Iviani primary Kyusiani primary, Matulani primary, Matangini primary, Nzayo primary and Syaandani primary.

Mtito public hospital and other community members were also issued with a total of 125 tree seedlings.

Two schools, Syaandani and Iviani primary, were taken on field trips into Tsavo West National park.

The schools visited Mzima springs, Shetani lava and Ngulia sanctuary.
During the field trip they students saw Elephants, Lions, Buffaloes, Giraffes, Antelopes, Zebras, Baboons and other wildlife.

Report by Alex Macharia