Chui Team Mtito Update: 01 May 2007
Alex Macharia – team leader Francis Chege James Nyumu Nteritu Kapina Vincent Mutua Samwel Lolchuraki 4KWS Rangers
Areas Covered
During the course of the month of April the following areas were patrolled by the Mtito de-snaring team: the Mtito river circuit, Kampi ya faru, Nguumo area, Kyusiani, Ngiluni, Mangarete, Chyulu mountains, Lower and upper Kenani, Kanga station, Kyulu station, along the Athi river, the pump areas, Tsavo river and Komboyo.

The month started with the coming of the rains, and a lot of rainfall was experienced in Tsavo. Charcoal burning was witnessed but there was little evidence of poaching taking place. Due to the dry spell of the month before there was evidence of cattle entering the park to browse.
Later in the month we laid several ambushes along some tracks at Kenani, unfortunately no arrests were made. In the triangle we came across the remains of a snared Dikdik who after becoming trapped and dying was eaten by carnivores.

There were no signs of poaching taking place at Kampi ya faru. There was however a heavy presence of hippos in the river that had managed to cause dome damage to the fence along the camp. Several snares were found at Mangarete where we were also able to arrest two individuals for logging and charcoal burning in the park.

As the dry season begins we anticipate an increase in the level of poaching taking place in the park. We are therefore trying to intensify our patrols and increase the number of ambushes that we carry out in the hotspots such as Kenani and Kanga stations as a buffalo had been found slaughtered outside the Kenani area.

Community work Unfortunately a school trip that we had planned did not take place as the school was scheduled to participate in divisional primary school games. The school trip will therefore take place next in early June.
Report by Alex Macharia