Chui Team Mtito Update: 01 May 2004

Chui Team Mtito Update: 01 May 2004


James mbuthia – team leader David Njoroge – Assistant Team Leader John Malonza - Tracker Masakau Mbanga – In Camp Julius ndoo – KWS Wario Abaruba - KWS


A total of 154 snares were recovered, all of which were designed to kill smaller animals, and we managed to capture and arrest one poacher who had in his possession 2 bows, 8 arrows and 35 snares. He was found very deep in the park, 15 kms away from the fence near a water hole which we frequently visit. The other water holes did not show any signs of human activity, which is very positive In Tsavo west we found less snares however there was evidence of charcoal burning and cattle grazing inside the park, we also found evidence of honey harvesting too. It seems that poachers are moving deeper into the park as we have concentrated most of our efforts mainly to the boundaries and water holes. Once out of the park it is very difficult to locate and arrest poachers and when they are working on the boundaries it is not very difficult for them to escape. This way we have a better chance of tracking them into the park or simply waiting for them to return, as they almost always exit the park the same way that they came in.

Report by James Mbuthia