Chui Team Mtito Update: 01 April 2010
Patrick Kimeu Francis Chege Nterio Kapina Samuel Lolochuraki Vincent Mutua James Nyumu
Introduction. When operations are done jointly the results are often higher and the outcome more successful. Big areas are covered over a short time and with fewer resources being used. Currently the Mtito team is attached to the Chyulu desnaring team, for support and further training. Though being overseen by Chyulu team leader their input has been noted.
Activity period. The desnaring exercise was done from 2nd to 29th April 2010.
Patrol objectives. To stop illegal charcoal burners and loggers from destroying Kibwezi forest which is a vital water catchment area. To dominate animal ranging areas and protect wildlife from poachers. Secure the forest from illegal grazing of domestic livestock. To identify and contain the forest hot spots.
Area covered. Kibwezi forest.
Findings. 9 Arrests 1 Snare
During the operation the teams were split into 2 with each assigned specific tasks. The Mtito team concentrated on the eastern side of the forest and managed to arrest 9 people at the Usalama area.Animal sightings. Reduction of human activitities in the forest, has led to the free movement of wildlife within the forest which is evidenced by increased animal sightings such as buffalos,elephants and dikdiks as well as the presence of their foot prints.
Community awareness. Tree planting day. There were not many community activities as schools were on vacation. The teams managed to participate in a tree planting exercise which was organised by the area forester near the Kenze camp. Community members were invited to participate in the exercise.
Report by Patrick Kimeu