Keepers' Diaries, February 2004

Voi Reintegration Unit

The Nursery Elephants:- An event that puzzled and excited all the Nursery Elephants was “The Really Wild Show” whose cast rowdily joined them actually in the mudbath, diving into the mud, and hollering to the cameras. Amongst the stars was a dwarf, who was the focus of attention for all the elephants. Only little Sunyei found the antics of the Really Wild Show so amusing that she joined them in the mudbath. Taita, Olmalo, Selengai and Napasha were puzzled and apprehensive of the raised voices, used to reacting to tone of voice, whilst Wendi and Tomboi put on spirited mock charges, not wanting to show the obvious doubts they had about the unusual behaviour of this unusual group of humans!

01 February 2004

At 8 a.m. Morani went to an ant mound, and watched the tiny insects as they exchanged tasks building their home. He remained there for sometime and slowly left them to it without disturbing them. At noon Sally, Sosian, Mweya and Burra, all of whom are now being weaned off milk, followed the other young elephants, but found they had no bottles. They rumbled their displeasure, but the Keepers gave them water instead, and they went off satisfied. At 7 a.m. Dika came and stood vigil at the Spring Gate through which the orphans pass on their way out into the bush each day, only to find that they had already passed. He never came to the Stockade.

02 February 2004

Laikipia, Kinna, Mukwaju, Thoma and Tsavo lined up and took it in turns scratching themselves on a fallen tree. They dispersed when Salama came to interrupt them.

03 February 2004

At 8 a.m., Mweya, who was leading the small group of orphaned, played a trick, scaring them all by running back as though danger lay ahead. This put them all to flight whilst Emily and Aitong went to investigate, and found nothing.

04 February 2004

After a wonderful noon mudbath, Nyiro went to test his strength in competition with Laikipia, and the pushing game developed into a tough fight which Natumi came to break up.

05 February 2004

Laikipia, Salama, Sosian, Sally and Natumi chased off a group of 12 impala who were approaching the orphans. In the evening Loisaba was leading the group on the way back to the Stockades, and became annoyed when Icholta tried to overtake her. She chased Icholta off, trying to grab her tail, without success. In the end the two rivals ended up arriving long after all the others were already at the Stockade!

06 February 2004

At l0.35 a.m., Mukwaju and Nyiro contrived to block Nasalot, Mukwaju holding her head with his little tusks, whilst had a go at mounting her from behind. Later she remained close to Emily.

07 February 2004

During the mudbath, Aitong knelt down, putting her tusks beneath Mweiga, to help her get up. Meanwhile Burra and Nyiro enjoyed a pushing game.

08 February 2004

With the large natural waterhole now full, all the orphans had a wonderful swim, submerging themselves underwater with just their trunks visible.

09 February 2004

Ilingwezi and Edie had a wonderful contest during the mudbath, each pulling a large floating root towards them. Edie won the game.

10 February 2004

Sweet Sally fed close to Aitong all day. Aitong allowed her to rub herself on her foreleg.

11 February 2004

Morning rain showers left the orphans very happy. They ran here and there trumpeting their joy. At 3 p.m. Emily charged a hiding buffalo, backed up by Yatta, Mulika, Mvita, Seraa, Mpala and Morani. The buffalo took off.

12 February 2004

During the noon swim, Aitong went into the deepest part of the pool, and submerged completed, whilst Sally, Seraa and Morani were supported on her back

13 February 2004

Natumi, who rarely goes into the pool at noon, found herself shoved in by Loisaba, and once in enjoyed herself enormously, happily wallowing along with the others.

14 February 2004

The orphans charged out of the mudbath pool when the KWS plane flew overhead. The exodus turned into a fun game of running hither and thither, trumpeting. A wild group of elephants joined the orphans at l0 a.m. Aitong, Tsavo, Sally and Laikipia remained behind with them whilst the others proceeded to the mudbath, joining the group later.

15 February 2004

Laikipia, Ilingwezi, Seraa, Irima, Nyiro and Lolokwe teamed up for a wonderful dusbath, mounting each other and throwing soil over their bodies, whilst Emily watched closely.

16 February 2004

Mvita, Yatta, Kinna and Sosian separated from the other orphans and went to the mudwallow at 9 a.m. Their trumpets attracted the others, who then went to join them for an early swim.

17 February 2004

Mweya, Morani, Mpala, Icholta, Nasalot and Loisaba lined up on a bank near the mudbath, and scratched their bottoms, tossing their trunks playfully in the air.

18 February 2004

A tough fight broke out when Salama tried to snatch the bark Icholta was peeling from a tree trunk. Ilingwezi intervened and ended up eating the bark as the other two argued.

19 February 2004

A herd of 7 zebra galloped past the orphans at 11 a.m., and the sound of their hooves startled the group, who were unable to see what was making the noise. After a wonderful noon mudbath, the orphans played a game of Hide and Seek. Natumi played with Salama whilst Solango took on Burra and Mpala.

20 February 2004

Sosian stood on the bank near the orphans’ waterhole, and pushed Laikipia down from above into a hole. The Keepers intervened to help Laikipia up, who then went for revenge.

21 February 2004

At l0 a.m. Sweet Sally became unwell. She lay down, writhing with stomach pain. The Keepers noticed worms in her dung, and reported her condition to Mrs. Sheldrick in Nairobi, who instructed that she receive worm medication and colloidal silver. This worked well with her.

22 February 2004

The orphans played a strength testing game out in the bush. Mulika challenged Nyiro, Thoma took on Seraa and Tsavo, Salama. The group was scared by descending vultures so the Keepers went to investigate and found the carcase of a zebra, which had probably been killed by lions. The orphans were uncomfortable, and decided to head in the opposite direction.

23 February 2004

Edie and Sosian played pushing games the entire day, and in the evening, Edie wanted to share Sosian’s Stockade. They remained close to one another throughout the night, touching each other with their trunks.

24 February 2004

Aitong left the orphans to head for the mudbath ahead of time. Mpala and Seraa, who were leading the others, retreated when they saw her there, obviously not recognising her. The Keepers led them to join Aitong.

25 February 2004

At the noon mudbath, Laikipia, Edie, Kinna, Sally and Seraa ganged up on Sosian, holding him under water. The Keepers had to plunge into the muddy water to rescue him. Edo came to the Stockade at 7.20 a.m. and left at l0 a.m. without meeting the orphans.

26 February 2004

The day was cloudy and very windy, so the orphans concentrated on feeding. Only Icholta, Mvita and Aitong went into the waterhole at noon.

27 February 2004

Morani kicked Mweya with his hind foot when she came behind him as he was taking his noon milk feed. Mweya laid her trunk across his back to reassure him that she meant no ill, and later they went peacefully together to join the others.

28 February 2004

A tough fight broke out at 3 p.m. when Salama went to sniff Yatta’s genitalia Emily intervened to break up the battle.

29 February 2004

Most of the orphans passed worms following a de-worming session ordered by Nairobi. They suffered no side affects and were very active, feeding well throughout the day. Irima was very scared when a mongoose ran between his legs to escape danger. He was left trembling, and remained close to the Keepers for the rest of the day.