Keepers' Diaries, April 2000
Voi Reintegration Unit
01 April 2000
Today at mudbath Imenti had a marvellous place with the tyre, piercing it with his tusks, pushing it around and lifting it up with the trunk and one foot and then rolling it. Loisaba again got lost on the way home and was found near the mudwallow, and again Emily and Imenti played at the Stockades for half an hour.
02 April 2000
These days, because it is hot and the mudwallows hold water, the orphans usually take two mudbaths a day. Today again Loisaba disappeared for half an hour and had to be retrieved.
03 April 2000
The 3rd, 4th and 5th were uneventful, with Loisaba going off alone at 3 p.m. whilst Emily and Imenti had a game rushing around breaking the bushes, and Aitong and Mweiga joined in later doing the same. Loisaba is still distrustful of humans and uncomfortable in the presence of strangers.
04 April 2000
The 3rd, 4th and 5th were uneventful, with Loisaba going off alone at 3 p.m. whilst Emily and Imenti had a game rushing around breaking the bushes, and Aitong and Mweiga joined in later doing the same. Loisaba is still distrustful of humans and uncomfortable in the presence of strangers.
05 April 2000
The 3rd, 4th and 5th were uneventful, with Loisaba going off alone at 3 p.m. whilst Emily and Imenti had a game rushing around breaking the bushes, and Aitong and Mweiga joined in later doing the same. Loisaba is still distrustful of humans and uncomfortable in the presence of strangers.
07 April 2000
Was uneventful but on 7th Emily's group wallowed at 11.30 a.m. and again at 2 p.m. after which the "breaking bushes game" was started again, first by Emily and Imenti but soon the others followed suit. The 8th, 9th, 10th were uneventful as was 11th.
14 April 2000
The 12th, 13th, and 14th were uneventful, with Loisaba leaving the group on the 14th to graze on her own for half an hour.
15 April 2000
On the 15th Loisaba again got lost at 1 p.m. and had to be found and brought back.
17 April 2000
On the 17th Imenti left the group and went off on his own, but came back again after 30 minutes. We have expanded the mudwallow and brought in fresh soil, so they had a marvellous time in it. Early in the morning Malaika, Uaso and Lewa came to the Stockades to drink but left again at 6 a.m.
18 April 2000
On the 18th Loisaba and Aitong grazed together away from the others for a time. Each day Loisaba is usually the first in the Stockade, before all the others so that she can get the greens.
19 April 2000
On the 19th Loisaba left the group, heading West, and had to be brought back.
29 April 2000
Emily's group left as usual, and as usual Loisaba chose to spend time on her own after the mudbath. She did the same on the 30th as well.
30 April 2000
TARU and MALAIKA came to the Stockades at 10.30 p.m. and were joined by a wild bull the size of Malaika. Malaika and Taru played together before disappearing in an Easterly direction. On the 31st Loisaba left the others and was found later near the Education Centre feeding on her own. Emily and Aitong had a game that lasted half an hour and again Loisaba left the group at 3 p.m. and had to be brought back. At the Stockades Emily and Imenti played together.