Faru Team Burra Update: 01 June 2004

Faru Team Burra Update: 01 June 2004


Isaac Maina. Mutua Koti Jacob Dadi. Sammy Odero. Phillip Kipkorir 3 K.W.S Rangers.

Area of operation

Mbulia, Mariwenyi, Sagalla Ranch, marapu, Ndii and Ngutuni


We found numerous tracks and freshly laid snares in the areas that the team visited this month. The failure of the rains has had an impact on the conditions for farming and so it is expected that poaching activities will be on the increase. Mbulia area yielded the highest number of snares, mainly set to capture smaller animals such as Dikdiks and the minority of snares that we collected ( 5 out of 486) were set for larger animals. The snares were set along animal tracks and a snare barrier had been made in some of the areas. In Mariwenyi area, the snares were scattered along animal tracks and shrubs, out of the 139 that were recovered 2 were designed for larger animals. A hide out was also found with some Dik Dik legs drying out for the market. After some inquiries we discovered that the hideout was used at nighttime when the poachers operated. At Sagalla ranch 18 snares were recovered. Marapu area (between mariwenyi and Sagalla hill) yielded 233 snares, 2 of which were designed d for larger mammals, and two dik diks were rescued and released and sadly one was found dead. There is a lot of chopping down of trees in this area and charcoal being made. In Ndii we collected 29 snares, 2 were for larger animals. Other than that there was little new activity in the area. In ngututni area we recovered 20 snares all of which were designed for larger animals and were all secured along a man made acacia barrier fence. One of the snares was broken and we believe that it may have caught the impala that the veterinary unit removed a snare from near the gate last month. In irima there was little activity this month, we removed seven old snares that had been there for a while. In kariokor area we recovered 4 snares only and again there was little new activity in this area. Compiled by Issac Maina