Faru Team Burra Update: 01 July 2006

Faru Team Burra Update: 01 July 2006


De – Snaring Report for July 2006


Mathew Kiura – team leader Boro Gitau John Malonza Samuel Odero Samuel Msaku Peter Wambua 2 KWS Rangers

Area of operation:

During the month of July, the Burra team operated in Ngutuni, Lualeni Ranch, Choke Ranch, Mugeno ranch, Ndii area, Sagala Ranch, and Mbulia Group Ranch.



Out of a total of 387 snares which were retrieved during the month, 83 were targeting big game such as buffalo, 1 targeted medium game such as gazelles, and 303 were for the poaching of small game, such as Dikdik.

2 Men were arrested and charged for possession & dealing of game meat at the Ndii/ Mbulia area.
The arrested men informed us of 3 other poachers in the area. Unfortunately these 3 men were able to escape capture when we raided their hideout.

Observable evidence.

During the month of July, the Burra Team operated both inside and outside the Parks boundaries. We can deduce from our findings that poaching at the moment is very specific to the type of game that is targeted and that different species are targeted in different areas. The intensity of snaring has become very area specific, the snares are not evenly distributed but are at rather high numbers in some areas were as other areas are snare free. In the communities far away from the park poaching activities were taking place freely and the poachers all used different methods.

Whilst patrolling the Ngutuni area we noticed that the poachers were using loop snares only. These target small- medium game.

In Lualeni area the poachers had a mixed strategy. They used loop snares, spring snares, live traps, and lamping.

Whilst patrolling this area we came across a live trap, as well as bush meat hanging in the trees.
We lifted a number of snares targeting big game like Giraffe.

During our patrols of the Choke/ Mugeno Group ranch areas we lifted loop snares targeting all sorts of game from small game to big game. There was evidence of lamping activities and night poaching. We also came across signs of charcoal burning.

At the Ndii area, we came across a carcass of a snared giraffe.

The giraffe had been butchered and only remains of its legs and head were left.
We lifted snares ranging from small – big game targeting snares. We also found there were a lot of cattle grazing in the park.
We have had suspicious that the local communities have been vandalizing water supplies and we were proven correct as we found evidence of vandalizing to a water pipeline that runs across the park boundary.

Sagala ranch has poaching activities which are mainly aimed at small game.

This area has very rampant charcoal burning activities.

Mbulia group ranch had a high number of snares; we lifted 163 snares targeting small game. Charcoal burning and destruction to vegetation is at a high rate in this area.

This is the area that we made our 2 arrest of the month.

Community This months Community outreach involved the Burra Team facilitating a field trip to the Tsavo East National Park for Kirumbi Primary School. The trip’s route was Voi- Aruba- Buchuma. The Field Trips main purpose was to enable the youth from the local area to enjoy and be able to see different vegetation types and Wild Animals in the park, as most of the local schools cannot afford to fund such a trip. The students were also shown a wildlife video at the Voi Education Centre.

Park clean-up During the month of July the Burra team carried out a park cleanup exercise along the water pipeline. Sacs and pieces of wood were collected as well as plastic bags and food wrapping plastics were collected at the Mudada- Manyani Road.

Report by Mathew Kiura